If you are new to Zoom & online learning, we are here to help!

Zoom is not scary at all. When you are sent a Zoom link all you need to do is click on it and you are in the meeting. Here is also a handy Time Zone Converter for your convenience.

There are some things you will need.


We recommend using a desktop, laptop or tablet as a phone can sometimes be a bit tricky and hard to work with.


An inbuilt camera on your computer which most laptops have. Desktops might need a Web camera you can buy for very little money so we can see you.


You also need a mic if your computer does not have an inbuilt one. That means you could wear headphones which has a microphone attached. If you wear headphones and a mic the sound quality will also be better for everyone else who hears you.

mobile phone

If you are on a phone you will only see 4 faces on the screen and you have to swipe to see the rest. On a tablet you also won’t see as many faces as you do when you are on a desktop or a laptop.


We are very happy to have a test run with you a day or 2 before the class starts, so you are totally comfortable. All you need to do is email us.